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Georgia, Romania Sign Deal for Information Technology, Telecommunications Development

Levan Davitashvili, the Georgian Economy Minister and Bogdan-Gruia Ivan, the Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation of Romania, on Thursday signed a deal for digital development involving ties in telecommunications, information technology and innovation.

The Georgian Economy Ministry cited Davitashvili as saying the agreement involved exchange of expertise in innovation and technology, advancement of digital infrastructure – including the ongoing optical fibre connectivity initiative with the World Bank – and joint efforts for establishing data centres.

He also said the European Union was backing the initiative, which also includes exchange of information on telecommunications, information technology and innovation policies, investment support, and promotion of Europe-Asia digital corridors via Georgia and Romania, facilitated by underwater fibre optic cable infrastructure across the Black Sea.

The agreement also promotes the development of data centres and cloud computing facilities, support for entrepreneurship in information and communication technology, promotion of collaborative research and development projects, facilitation of growth of electronic commerce and contributions to the development of an “innovative ecosystem”.

Focusing on collaboration in telecommunications and information technology during their face-to-face meeting before signing the deal, the ministers also discussed formation of digital corridors linking European and Asian nations through Georgia.

The discussion highlighted development of international broadband telecommunications connections in the Black Sea region and establishment of regional data centres of international standards in Georgia.

The initiatives aim to expedite a digital transformation of the region, fostering social and economic development, the Ministry said.

Source: Agenda.ge
