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Georgian Agriculture Minister, US Ambassador Discuss Ties

Cooperation between Georgia and the United States in agriculture and environmental protection was discussed on Thursday in a meeting between the Otar Shamugia, the Minister of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia and Robin Dunnigan, the US Ambassador to the country.

Shamugia said the country had made “real progress” in both directions over the recent years and highlighted reforms, legislative and institutional changes implemented with the support of partner countries including European Union member states and the US.

We are waiting for the European Union to grant the country the [membership] candidate status, after which we will start working even more actively in the direction of reforms and legislative convergence. We are ready to further deepen our relations with the US in the fields of agriculture and environmental protection, which will really help us on the way to development”, he added.

The meeting also covered “priority areas” of cooperation, with the sides discussing deepening of trade relations, including growth of Georgian wine exports, diversification of markets and food safety, as well as environmental protection topics.

Shamugia extended his gratitude to the Ambassador for the US’ support in rural and agricultural development and environmental protection.

In her comments, Dunnigan said the meeting pointed out the support from her Government to Georgian farmers in ensuring “more efficient production”, allowing them to sell their products both on the domestic market and abroad with a “higher profit margin”, and noted the US was ready to deepen the cooperation in the sector.

She also wished the country success in the European integration process and expressed readiness to support the Ministry to carry out work in harmonising legislation with European standards.

Source: Agenda.ge
